Early in my pregnancy with Wentworth, I came across "Birth Clubs" on baby center. It's a forum/message board where you talk with other mom's who are due the same month as you. The set up is a little cumbersome so one of the members started a facebook group for all of us in the 01/2012 Birth Club. The women are from all across Canada and it's been a neat experience to be able to post questions, answers questions, start debates and communiate with mom's from many different backgrounds. It's really been just a few months but because of the shared experience you really feel like you get to know people. I shared my placenta abruption experience with the group from the moment I was sitting in the emergency room in Leduc with bleeding from an unknown cause and I felt their support throughout the experience and continually since then.
However, I was completely surprised when Tyler came home from the mailbox with a very large & heavy box - I wasn't expecting any parcels as this was after Christmas. I looked at the return address and recognized the name as one of my fellow birth club mama's. I opened the box to find tons of thoughtful items:
-a unique sweater that is both pretty and flattering (and fits wells),
-a box of Purdy's chocolates,
-a beautiful pewter frame with Wentworth's name engraved (this is SO beautiful),
-a personalized christmas ornament with Wentworth's name,
-a homemade scupture of a mom with her 'angel baby' (so adorable),
-a travel mug,-bath products including lotion, bubble bath and a loofah from bath & body works,
-a tea sampler (I love tea),
and a gift certificate to Boston Pizza.
Tyler and I were blown away by this parcel. I was awestruck that women that I only knew virtually, went to so much trouble and effort to send me this wonderful gift of many gifts to brighten my day and show support. I don't have addresses to thank them, so the best I can do, is list the names of the ones I know of here as a "shout out" (with only a last initial as to protect their privacy...if I missed anyone please let me know!):
Melissa J
Krystal J
Erica M
Caitlin C
Rayna A
Lydia O
Christina C
Jenn K
Leigh-Ann B
Marylea C
Krystal J
Erica M
Caitlin C
Rayna A
Lydia O
Christina C
Jenn K
Leigh-Ann B
Cecette B
Hollie B
Linds A
Kim DMarylea C
Robin R
Thank you ladies! And I look forward to continuing our friendship!
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