The jury is out. When I first met with the specialist she told me that there is nothing she could specifically point to that caused the placental abruption so she saw no reason for me to take precautions to get pregnant. However, she wanted me to redo one blood test & take an additional one to see if my post labour care would be different. By the time I came back for the results, the medical consensus was to do nothing different until I'd actually experienced a blood clot personally.
She apologized for not having more answers so I brought up the possibilty that the Leduc Doc thought I may have been pre-eclampic. The specialist said, if you were than I recommend you wait a year from the birth until you begin trying to conceive. So that was a bummer.
I decided to follow up with my OBGYN and get her opinion. Her nurse fielded the call and said that there was nothing in my file about possibly being pre-eclamptic so maybe I should be safe and wait 6 months...but that if I truly was pre-eclamptic than I should wait 2 years.
How's that for confusing? I don't want to wait unneccassarily, but I don't want to rush if it's not healthy to do so either. I had an appointment with my GP for my son, so I asked him what his thoughts were on the matter. He looked at my file and said in his opinion he didn't see any conclusive evidence that I was pre-eclampic and to take the other doctor's advice with a grain of salt. Why? Because it was merely their "educated" guess rather than anything based on conclusive studies.
My personal verdict? I'm not in a rush to get pregnant at this point, but I've said repeatedly that this could change on a daily basis. My ultimate goal is to wait until after the beginning of May as that's when Wentworth was conceived and I don't want to have a due or birth date around the same time. Beyond that, I think I am going to let whatever happens, happen. I'll be watching my cycle to see if I miss a period but I'm not sure if I'm going to plan any "baby dancing" on purpose. Tyler will be working out of a town a bit anyway, so that could ultimately negate any planning I make. I've also been taking folic acid daily since Christmas and as of today decided to take an actual prenatal vitamin (I was out of folic and had to buy a new vitamin supply anyway). In the past, prenatals have made me very nauseas but I'm going to do my best to get in a better pre-pregnancy place this time.
As soon as I know I'm pregnant, I've been told to go back to my OBGYN but I'm not sure that I want to keep her as my doctor. I guess I have a little more time to ponder that over.
In the meanwhile, as I said in the last post, I am keeping busy, busy, busy :-)
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