Friday, March 23, 2012

My Tattoo

I have been pondering the tattoo idea for a few months now. I started out thinking I wanted it on my left shoulder blade but in my googling of images, figured out that an inner wrist tattoo was more appropriate for this particular image. I hadn't considered getting a tattoo in this area before because I thought a person could easily tire of it. However, since this image is meant to be a constant reminder of Wentworth for me, I feel like I could never be irritated by the content. I also figure I can always add to the tattoo down the line, I just can't take away from it.

A long time ago I had decided that once I was done having kids that I would get tattoo in their honor, so while Dexter isn't represented right now, he will be. I'd like to have one cohesive design for my living kids...Wentworth just gets a special honor of his own because we don't get to share in his life here. I could change my mind, but I'll most likely save my left shoulder blade for Dex & future sibling(s).

Once I decided on an inner wrist tat for Wentworth, I simultaneously decided the best design would be word based with his name. I choice a butterfly image because I like butterflies and because I read that they symbolize communicating with the dead. Then I wanted some flourish so the artist freehanded that himself.

To pick an artist I put a call out on facebook and I was drawn to the "At Needlepoint" studio. Clay was a recommendation there & his portfolio showed a few word tats that appealed to me so I felt he was a good choice. I had a quick consultation with him on Wednesday & after some complicated schedule juggling (my mom was in town but had an appointment at 4:15 in edmonton & Dexter wasn't feeling well) I was able to get in on Thursday.

Once the appointment was booked I was super excited but nervous about the pain factor. I'm a well known wuss & while I have a tattoo, it is 12 years old and about the size of a quarter. However, i was mentally committed to the tattoo no matter what it took physically.

The first bit of the tattoo felt like a knife blade being drawn down my arm. I started freaking out inside like "how will I handle this?" I focused on a spot on the wall and thought about him. That worked for a little bit but then the emotions were too close to the surface and I had to blink back tears of sadness. So instead I just focused on keeping my breathing steady and having a pro-pain mantra. That worked pretty well. A little more time passed and the artist started chatting with me. This worked great as I LOVE talking and it distracts me very well. The pain came & went, some parts being more painful than others (bones and arteries/veins seemed to be pain hot spots) and really before I knew it, it was complete! I took a picture with my iPhone before he wrapped it up & left proudly sporting my hot pink tensure bandage. My mom stared at me in surprise and waited for me to tell her I chicken out & it was only half done. Thanks for the belief in me Mom LOL


  1. A Perfect Tattoo in Honor of A Perfect Angel! It's beautiful!

  2. Thanks! It actually looks sparkly in this picture which is neat.
